Thursday, November 8, 2007

Global Warning

The Center for American Progress (CA) today issued "Global Warning - The Security Challenges of Climate Change", a chapter in a new report entitled “The Age of Consequences.” During the course of the past year, a high-level working group of foreign policy experts, climate scientists, historians, and other specialists has met regularly to investigate the national security and foreign policy implications of climate change. Many of the key findings of this task force, which was directed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Center for a New American Security, are presented in the new report.

“The Age of Consequences” is organized around three possible climate change scenarios that were developed by Pew Center Senior Climate Scientist Dr. Jay Gulledge, in consultation with other leading experts in the field. CAP’s chapter, “Global Warning - The Security Challenges of Climate Change,” analyzes the foreign policy and national security implications of the most moderate of these scenarios over a 30-year timeframe.